朝鲜语同日语还有汉语来说有很大不同,但是实际上吧,这是一门没多大用处的语言,所以说现在有很多韩国人学习英语,因为他们也知道如果你会朝鲜语,只能让 你在朝鲜半岛使用。但是如果你会韩语和英语,那就厉害了,因为还有很多其他的韩国人需要学习英语,这一定能给韩国的教育带来很大的影响。那样你岂不是爽爆 了...
Japanese as it’’s not difficult to pronounce and, at the time, was studying Italian (pronunciation is very, very, similar). Have Chinese friends - two speak Cantonese and one speaks Mandarin - I find the Mandarin interesting to listen to but imagine it’’s, very, difficult to learn. I am musical but this doesn’’t hit the "notes" I’’m accustomed to. Although I’’m a westerner, I enjoy old forms of Japanese music featuring jushichi-gen (a 17-stringed instrument) - is, very, soothing.