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来源:名资汇网 2016-11-14



  Best Answer - Chosen by AskerI personally enjoy Cantonese and Chaozhou dialects of Chinese. Cantonese is enertaining to listen to because the tones make it appear as a sort of "boingy" nature to the way it is spoken. Chaozhou, in my opinion has an interesting variety of tones that make it appear like the speaker in singing. Mandarin can be rather harsh on the ears, depending on where you’’re coming from. I personally dislike the Beijing accent (wondering where the "r’’s" came from xD), I however enjoy the Jiao Liao accent from Shandong.

  Japanese seems to me rather dependent on the speaker. I have heard bubbly and energetic speakers of the sort, along with monotonous and monologues of speakers represent their language in a variety of ways.

  Korean is probably very interesting to hear for a non-Korean speaker. You will notice a lot of patterned particles to their phrasings "eem-nee-dah, ahm-nee-da, soh-yoh, etc. etc." Along with a jumbling of syllables that are otherwise unintelligible to the general listener.

  Source(s):Learning Mandarin, Cantonese, Chaozhou, Korean, and Japanese. (all in the family, except the Japanese)

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